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P&N Bank has provided Helping &nds grants to two deserving community groups that provide valuable support to the local Rockingham area.

Coastal Districts Care Emergency Relief exists to provide emergency relief for the homeless and low-income families experiencing hardship in the Rockingham area. This support includes the provision of food hampers, chemist vouchers for medication, public transport SmartRiders, toiletries and financial counselling.

They recently launched a new initiative called the Back to School Programme where chaplains apply on behalf of students in need to receive funds for extra school expenses.

The group has received a grant from P&N to assist them provide underprivileged children an opportunity to take part in extra school activities, such as swimming lessons or excursions.

Bruce Campbell from Coastal Districts Care said the not-for-profit group would be able to expand into another four schools using P&N’s Helping &nds grant.

“Our Back to School Programme provides $500 to primary schools which they can split into $50 or $100 to give to children who can’t afford to pay for excursions or after school activities,” Bruce said.

“We have serviced 20 schools in 2021 so far, supporting more than 300 students over the past two years, and would like to try and expand this program in 2022.

“Thank you to P&N Bank for their support – it’s greatly appreciated.”

P&N Bank Rockingham Branch Manager Bec Slevin said P&N Bank was pleased to be able to extend support to dedicated and passionate local community organisations.

“The Helping &nds program provides financial assistance where it is needed most, such as worthy recipients like Coastal Care Districts and Cycling Without Age, to ensure they can continue the incredible work they do in our community,” Bec said.

“This is why P&N Bank exists – to enrich the lives of our customers and the local communities in which they live.” Cycling Without Age, which has a chapter in Rockingham, is a not-for-profit charity that connects those no longer able to ride for themselves with their community and the outdoors by giving them free rides on trishaw ebikes, piloted by volunteer cyclists.

P&N’s Helping &nds grant will assist the group to continue to provide free rides and achieve their mission of building bridges between generations, helping prevent loneliness, and providing elderly people an opportunity to avoid social isolation.

To find out more, visit the Coastal District Care Facebook page or Cycling Without Age website.