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With the Perth property market in overdrive, many home owners are busy planning upgrades to their home in preparation for selling. Here are our five tips to get your home sale ready.

Get to those simple repairs

You know those squeaky windows, or the door that doesn’t quite close properly? Now is the time to get to all those odd jobs around the house and make sure everything is in working order. Why not use this opportunity to upgrade to more modern fixtures and fittings, think lights and door handles? These little finishing touches can help turn a dated room into a fresh new space.

There are great YouTube tutorials that can help you with common household repairs, so save some money and have a go yourself if you’re that way inclined. Make sure to get the professional in for any electrical or plumbing work though – you don’t want to end up spending more later!

Spring clean and declutter

A good old spring clean can give your home new life and make it even more appealing to a potential buyer. Rather than thinking about all the work they will need to do, the buyer can spend their time imagining their new life in your home. Sometimes it’s best to hire cleaning professionals, who can also clean carpets, to make sure your home is really sparkling.

Don’t forget to spring clean your garden while you’re at it. The front yard will be the first thing a potential buyer sees, so making sure it’s tidy and weed-free is key. Street appeal can make or break a sale.

You can also use this opportunity to declutter your home. By packing away a few indoor and outdoor items, such as knick-knacks, photos or gardening equipment, you can create a larger and more neutral space that appeals to a range of buyers.

Add a lick of paint

A fresh coat of paint can do wonders to lift the look and feel of your home. Little scratches here and there can make a difference, so prioritising a good paint job will be worth your while.

We know bold pops of colour can be enticing but try to stick to neutral tones that will appeal to a wider audience.

Make a mark with your kitchen or bathroom

The kitchen is the heart of the home, so making sure it’s functional and appealing is important. Bathrooms are another important room in the home, so spending time on getting a few key items upgraded is well worth it.

Make sure you consider how much you’re willing to spend and that you are going to get a good return, to avoid overcapitalising. Depending on your budget, there are some great modular kitchens available these days, otherwise you can have a custom-built kitchen fitted for your home.

Style your home

First impressions count - styling your home can have a huge impact on the first impression of your home to potential buyers. Focus on keeping spaces neutral. You want the buyer to view your house as a blank canvas they can shape into the home of their dreams.

Make sure you think about creating a home office if you don’t currently have one. Following COVID-19, working from home is the new norm for many and showing people how they can setup the space to allow for this will be important.

While they can add value to your home, minor repairs, fresh paint or installing a new kitchen or bathroom can add up. There are a range of options available for those requiring additional finance for renovations. To find out more, read our article on how to finance your home renovations or speak to our friendly team in branch or on 13 25 77.