A sole trader is an individual operating a registered business. A sole trader may utilise their own personal Tax File Number to lodge any income tax returns and will require an ABN if they have a registered business name.
A partnership is a group or association of people who operate a business and distribute income or losses between themselves. A partnership has its own Tax File Number and must hold an ABN which is used for the business dealings.
To set up a membership and accounts for your sole trader or partnership, you will need to provide original or original certified copies of the following documents. Find out who can certify a document.
- Business extract issued by ASIC, dated within last 30 days.
- Idenification documents - all business owners must attend a branch with the required documents and primary photo identification or return certified copies to PO Box 8609, Perth BC 6849.
- Complete and sign a non personal membership application form - and finalise your membership.
Download non personal membership application
Is the business owner a company?
If so, you'll also need to provide:
- a company extract issued by ASIC, dated within last 30 days.
- all company beneficial owners holding 25% or more of company shares will need to attend a branch with primary photo identification.
- a share certificate and trust deed if a trust is the shareholder of your company.
Is the business owner a formal trust or superannuation fund?
If so, you'll also need to provide:
- a full copy of the signed and executed trust deed,
- all trustees and appointers will need to attend a branch with primary photo identification.
For more information, please contact us on 13 25 77 or visit your nearest branch.