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When an individual passes away, their assets and liabilities are known as their estate. An estate might include property, valuables, real estate, cars, shares, investments, superannuation, and life insurance policies.

An Executor or Administrator is responsible for administering an estate and carrying out the final wishes of the deceased in accordance with their Last Will and Testament (Will). The Executor will be named in the deceased’s Will, or alternatively the Supreme Court may appoint Executor(s) or Administrator(s) by issuing a Grant of Probate or Letters of Administration. If multiple Executors or Administrators are appointed, they must all sign together to operate the accounts.

To set up a membership and accounts for an Estate membership, you will need to provide original or original certified copies as detailed below. Find out who can certify a document.

  1. Death certificate -  an original or certified copy of the death certificate along with either a Grant of Probate or Letters of Administration issued by the Supreme Court, or an original or certified copy
    of the Last Will and Testament of the deceased.
  2. Identification documents - all Executors or Administrators must attend a branch with the required documents and primary photo identification or return certified copies to PO Box 8609, Perth BC 6849.
  3. Complete and sign a non personal membership application form - and finalise your membership.

For more information, please contact us on 13 25 77 or visit your nearest branch.

Download non personal membership application