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Police & Nurses Limited (PNL), operating as the P&N Group, has announced the appointment of Chris Malcolm to the new position of General Manager, Data & Open Banking effective 1st August 2022.

With the successful merger and subsequent integration of the organisation’s customer-owned banking brands (P&N Bank in Western Australia and bcu in New South Wales and south-east Queensland), the Group has ambitious plans to continue to grow its national presence and footprint both organically and through future partnerships.

P&N Group Chief Transformation and Technology Officer (CTTO) Warren Willis, said that as part of the Group’s ongoing strategic customer-centric transformation, a dedicated Data & Open Banking specialist team would enable the delivery our Data Strategy which is critical to making us easier to bank with.

“Following an extensive nation-wide search, I’m thrilled to welcome Chris to this newly created and important role.

“As part of our national Group footprint, Chris will be based in our Brisbane office and have carriage of our Data Strategy as well as spearheading the development of a centre of excellence for our data initiatives and data engineering. He is also charged with delivering and rolling out our Open Banking offering(s) that will soon provide greater financial empowerment for our customers as a first step of our Open Banking journey” he said.

“With a background in data, analytics and Open Banking, Chris brings a significant depth of experience to this new role having led these functions at Great Southern Bank (GSB), Australia’s largest mutual bank, as well as holding previous roles at GSB in Customer Insights, Sales & Corporate Development.

“I believe Chris’s strength lies in understanding new and complex domains, defining opportunities and galvanising teams to solve problems through a performance and cultural alignment lens.

“I’m delighted that Chris has chosen to take the next step in his career with us and warmly welcome him as part of our Transformation and Technology Division,” Willis said.

Malcolm said that he is excited to have joined the P&N Group.

“With a background in customer-owned financial services and a strong track record in data, analytics and open banking, I am very much looking forward to leading the new team and leveraging my skill set to add value to P&N Group’s transformation and growth ambitions with a clear focus on our customer-centric purpose.”